Role of a Gynecologist in a Woman’s Life

Who is a Gynecologist?

A gynecologist specializes in performing treatments and surgeries relating to a woman's reproductive health. Naritva women’s hospital has the best gynecologist in Ahmedabad. The doctor is known for solving gynecological related medical issues of women. The hospital is responsible for performing gynec treatments relating to lower abdominal pain, menstrual pain, urinary tract or vaginal infections, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and acdenomyosis.

What is Naritva Women’s Hospital Known For?

Naritva women’s hospital has highly qualified medical professionals who use cutting-edge technology to offer the best possible care. The experienced gynecologist is committed to meeting all our patient’s gynecological needs. At our hospital, we take care of providing comprehensive treatments for women’s health. We make sure to follow a unique approach towards providing quality clinical care to patients for successful gynecological treatments.

Role of a Gynecologist in Ahmedabad

The experienced gynecologist focuses on treating, preventing and diagnosing specific diseases in women. They play a crucial role in determining the lifestyle of a woman by providing them with appropriate guidance. Here is what more they can help with:

Breast examination: The gynecologist examines to check for any lumps or abnormalities in the breasts. If there are any, they ensure to provide appropriate medication and treatment for the removal of the lumps.

Examination of the pelvic area: The checkup involves examination of the vagina, uterus, and ovaries for any abnormalities or signs of disease in the body.

Laparoscopic surgeries: This procedure involves inserting a flexible tube with a camera to diagnose and treat pelvic conditions such as ovarian cysts, adhesions, fibroids, and infections.

Conduct pap tests: These tests involve taking samples of cells from the cervix to screen for precancerous or cancerous conditions. Their expertise and knowledge in conducting pap tests help in preventing the disease from spreading in the entire body.

Other gynecological procedures: The experienced gynecologist plays a vital role in performing procedures like hysterectomy, which involves removing the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

When should you visit a Gynecologist?

The role of the gynecologist is to pay attention to every minute detail and provide apt treatment and guidance to the patients. Here are a few instances that tell when you should visit a gynecologist:

  • In case you notice a delay in your period or you have missed it. It is time to visit your gynecologist as the earliest.
  • If you are pregnant and experiencing any discomfort or pain, you should consider visiting a gynecologist. They will help you with appropriate guidance and tell you to take precautionary measures.
  • You can visit your gynecologist to check the growth of the baby during the first trimester of your pregnancy.
  • If you have an active sexual life and want to know if there are any risks involved regarding your sexual health.
  • If you have low libido and reduced interest in performing sexual intercourse, you must visit a gynecologist to get yourself checked at the earliest.

Visit Naritva Women’s Hospital for Gynecological Treatments

Naritva women’s hospital is known for performing successful gynecological treatments for many patients. With a team of experienced doctors, you can get yourself checked with ease and comfort. We are here to welcome you with our gynecological treatments that will help you recover quickly. We ensure to not compromise on patient safety and ensure that all our devices are in perfect condition to perform the treatment.

If you are looking for the best gynecologist in Ahmedabad, contact the team at Naritva women’s hospital today.